To the Editor: I would like to extend an invitation to anyone who is interested in the recent trend of Judges to ignore the constitution and due process, and to rule based instead, on personal agenda, political opinions, and special interest money. We were warned, by the drafters of that constitution, to never allow one branch of government to gain power over the others. We have done just that. And we have allowed them to order themselves protected from any and all accountability through the mechanism of Judicial Immunity. That immunity has now extended to most government officials. We must rein in this monster before it devours us. Please help us? We need YOUR voices.

Please attend a meeting on Sunday afternoon, February 22, 2004 at 1:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. at The Columbine Library 7706 W. Bowles Ave., Littleton 80123The location is two lights east (on Bowles) of the intersection of Bowles Ave. & Wadsworth Blvd.This is our best chance in 10 years for getting the legislative branch to put a “Check” on Colorado’s runaway judiciary. Whether you have been abused in family law, criminal law or property law, it’s time to set aside religious and political differences and make a united front.

MAIN SPEAKER: Author Linda Sanders

Get an update from Linda Sanders and others who have been campaigning for judicial reforms. Major progress has been made this year because Sen. John Andrews declared on January 3, 2004 in the Denver Post (page A-2) that he wants to address the issue of “activist judges”. (“Activist judge” is the politically correct term for an abusive judge who substitutes law with his or her own “excuse for law”). It is time to join forces for a significant voice. Several interested officials (a member of the Judicial Performance Commission, Senators and Representatives, and media) have been invited. The meeting will be for the purpose of developing a large group with enough influence to persuade Senator Andrews in moving forward with his stated intent to investigate judicial “activism”. Linda Sanders will offer her proposed remedy to abused litigants and will open the floor to those who wish to propose their own strategies. Please contact Linda so your time to speak can be included in the agenda. Feel free to bring your children who can be entertained in the library or the (huge) park next door. But please come. Speak to these officials – let’s not appear apathetic to the issue. To steal a phrase, if you aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Don’t wait for the tryanny to touch your family before you take a stand and help to place the controls where they belong: on the public SERVANTS! If you have already been touched, please come and share your story with the officials who will be attending.

Linda Sanders email: cmtv@concentric.netChristine Korn’s email: CMKorn52@aol.comPlease RSVP so we can be sure to have plenty of refreshments and seating.

Christine KornPenrose, CO 81240