There was a recent article about the appointment of Judge Pickering and how the Bush administration is not acting in a bi-partisan manor, a charge akin to the ‘pot calling the ketal black’.

This President has done everything possible from the inception of his tenure to be bi-partisan, but the Democrats do what they do best,anything and everytning to preserve their former stature. They had no problem in their 40 years of unlimmited congressional power in bending the rules in their favor time and time again. A willing press always called the majority Democrat Congress, “Congress.” After it became a Republican majority, now it is the “Republican controlled Congress”.

Republicans favor Judges who do not legislate from the bench. This whole idea of blocking Judges began when Democrat politicians blocked the approval of Judge Bork to the Supreme Court during the Reagan years. Reality is that most Judges are approved, but if one political side is going to find and/or make rules to support its wishes, then don’t cry when the other side does the same.

It’s become obvious that the Democrat Party loves to ‘dish it out’, but equally obvous that they have trouble ‘taking it’.