There is a component of Greek life at the University of Denver that most students do not get the chance to see.

The scholastic and professional co-ed fraternity Beta Alpha Psi is among other business-oriented Greek organizations at Daniels College of Business designed to help students in both their studies and later on in their careers.

Beta Alpha Psi initiated 17 new members into its Alpha Zeta chapter of the fraternity last Thursday morning.

Snickering, new inductees recited, “I, state your name, do solemnly promise to abide by the national constitution chapter bylaws of Beta Alpha Psi to the best of my ability.”

Amid the laughter, however, the ceremony had serious undertones of an organization dedicated to encouraging and recognizing students who excel in the business information field.

“This means promoting the study and practice of accounting, finance and information systems,” said chapter President Josh Hansen. “[And Beta Alpha Psi] encourages a sense of ethical, social and public responsibility.”

DU’s chapter of the academic fraternity, which includes members that range from sophomores to fifth-year students, is one of 238 chapters across the nation.

Beta Alpha Psi is designed to help students with networking opportunities and chances to enrich the lives of its members with service work.

“[Beta Alpha Psi] is a great chance to get to know other people in the accounting field and a chance to have some fun with people that I’m stuck in class with three hours a day, four days a week,” said new inductee Melissa Pillow.

On this quarter’s agenda for members and pledges are trips to the Denver Rescue Mission soup kitchen and possibly a chance to help out at Special Olympic events.

Community service opportunities are an important part of being a member of the fraternity, according to Hansen. DU’s chapter has the opportunity to be nationally recognized as a superior status chapter, an honor that it has received annually since the 1950s.

This status is awarded to chapters who show initiative among its members in both service and participation in chapter activities and meetings.

Another event planned for Beta Alpha Psi is a speech by David Erlich, vice president of the Colorado Avalanche and the Denver Nuggets.

The members will also get the chance to go to dinner with representatives of the four major accounting firms later in the year.

“It’s important to come to the meetings because we get a chance for a lot of networking,” said Hansen.

Beta Alpha Psi is always looking for new members, said Hansen.

For students who are interested, applications can be found on the bulletin board in the School of Accountancy, on the third floor in DCB.