Dear Editor,

This is just a brief response to a Clarion article describing President Bush’s admission that Saddam Hussein had no proven involvement in the 9/11 attacks.

Let’s face it – our military was getting absolutely nowhere in their search for Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts. With the nation still feeling burned by the 9/11 attacks, and momentum built up in the aftermath, I think the Bush administration shifted gears and decided to push the spotlight toward a target that has long been readily visible to everyone – Saddam Hussein.

I pose this question: no matter what outrage the American public may feel now that this admission by Bush has come forth, didn’t that first night of bombings on Iraq soil make you feel a little bit … safer? Proactive? United? Obviously these feelings about our “retaliations” toward Iraq were not and are not shared by all; I am merely putting an idea out there that the general public that seemed so FOR the war is not devoid of all guilt.

In any case, things are not looking good for a second term of the Bush administration. Perhaps by the time we’re ready to cast our ballots, Arnold will be bored with California and will move on to “bigger and better things.”

Is there a Democratic actor in the states who would like to challenge him?