To Whom it may be concerned:

On Oct. 8th, I was rush to put all my dissertation proposal together by the end of the day. Around 12:30pm, I gave a copy of my dissertation proposal with 142 pages. The lady worked there as the mangager, took my case and kept saying that she wasn’t quite sure to finish my copies by 4:30pm. At 4:40pm, I went back to the copy center to pick up my copies. They hadn’t finished them yet. Since I needed to turn them in by 5pm, I asked them to rush few copies first for me to be able to drop at my professors’ offices by 5pm. As I went to my professor office, I found that there were 33 pages missed at the end of each copy. I came back to tell the guy working there, and he just insisted that the orginial copy came as this way. I ran back to my apartment to pick my floppy and print out all the missing pages at the library. They put the missing pages at each copy and also charged me for them. AT the time, he got ready to give me the seven copies, I paid a check with $67.05 for the total. It was close to 6pm, which it had been missed my due date to turn in my proposal on time. I carried all seven copies to one of my professors’ office in the Wesley Hall, and found out that some of the copies missed 9 pages at the end of third chapter. I ran back and mindlessly cut my fingher accidently. I went to the copy center and asked for my money back due to the bad service they provided. The guy put me on the phone with the manager, and she told me that they don’t have the policy to refund the money. Although the guy worked until 8:30pm to make all the copies right, I wonder that why I can’t ask for my money back due to their bad service and unresponsible attitude. I rather believe it was an incidential case, but to also ruge DU authority to monitor and evaluate the service quality when they invite service partners coming to DU campus. All these services are very important becasue it makes DU as a better academic and learning community for all DU students.

Best,Hueichen Yeh