OK the time has come for you all to come and see our band.B We are playing in Denver this Wednesday the 8th (tomorrow) at a bar in Lodo called the Blue Mule. The show starts at 9:00 and is 21 and up.B The Blue Mule is locatedB at 1624 Market St, on the corner of Market and 16th.B

We really could use you guys and some support because we are getting into a few clubs in Denver to play, but they always try to make sure that we can draw a crowd, so we lie and say yeah we can probably getB a few people in the door.B So you guys need to come to the show, and bring all of your crazy art friendsB (or your crazy punk friends…oh wait they will already be there).B Please please please come to the show, and support you localB punks.B

Check Roebuck out at MP3.com
