Look out, Denver. Here comes another group from Seattle. Or maybe it should be “listen up” because Honey Tongue is certainly one up-and-coming group.

An indie group, whose members quit their day jobs a year and a half ago to pursue their musical career, is currently on a tour to more than 200 cities on the list, and the band will be stopping in Denver in November.

Sporting a road-warrior ethic, the tight road schedule has made the group tight and focused.

There are currently plans to release a live disc next spring.

“Life on the road gives you a lot of time to reflect on yourself, others and the world around,” said lyricist/vocalist Jen Ayers about their time spent on the road.

Led by Jen Ayers, Honey Tongue sports some hard guitar beats and a strong drum line. The lyrics of their newest album Take Me Anywhere are infectious and the songs unforgettable.

This is a group that you won’t want to miss because they are surely going places. Their stylistic choices will not fail them as they evolve as a band and spread into broader genres.

The cd is currently available in stores. Honey Tongue will be playing at the Soiled Dove on Nov. 7. For tickets call 303.299.0100.