Dear Colorado Newspaper and their readers, My name is Jerry Eller. Since September 11th I like many Americans have felt hurt and helpless. Through numerous conversations from many different people of all walks of life I have been noticing a common theme. Many people feel helpless and many say “what can I do to fight terrorism?”. There are so many things you can do and no one would even notice. The first thing is to start at home, involve yourself in your neighborhood by meeting and gathering with your neighbors. Invite your friends and family and you will be amazed about how many things you can learn about your community and I promise you will make a lifelong friend or two. The second thing you can do is attend City Council meetings, County Commissioner meetings and volunteer your free time to hospitals, long term care facilities, youth groups and any other non profit organizations. You don’t always have to voice your opinions and concerns but just listen to what your community leaders are saying and doing. Always report crime or suspicious activity in your community regardless of how minor or relevant you may think it is. Too many people around the country are turning their eyes to criminal acts in fear of retaliation or just lack of concern. Thirdly you can start involving yourself by researching your local, family, State and National history. You would amaze yourself of how much you really don’t know and by your lack of involvement or interest how much it is hurting the future of your own life and of your Country’s destiny and the future of your children, grand children and all future generations of Americans. Last of all the most important thing you can do is Vote! An uninformed vote is a good beginning, an informed vote is a vote for freedom and democracy and not to vote at all is a vote for apathy, socialism, imperialism, anarchy and support of monarchy! I have created a website for the people of Colorado who are not registered to vote. Please visit it and share it with anyone and everyone! God Bless America! Jerry Eller PS Please forward to those students who wish to get involved in a “grass roots” campaign, especially those in the School of Law, thank you.