Photo by: Peet Guercio/Clarion

Young Democrats President Andrea Love says her role as president has introduced her to people she would never have been able to meet before.

This is one of many advantages of adding student political involvement to college experience.

“Being president of the Young Democrats has added so much to my experience at DU,” she said. “I have made some great friends from the group. I have also broadened my ideas and ways to look at various political issues. It has been a great experience.”

President of the College Republicans Andrew Petraitis agreed. “The College Republicans have helped shape my time on this campus and have helped to create numerous contacts and realistic experience.”

Love and Petraitis are just two of the political leaders on campus wrapping up their time at DU, including AUSA President Jake Bakker and President of Up ‘Till Dawn Hilton Cohen; Cohen will graduate next year.

Love and Petraitis have both been president of their respective organizations for one year. Petraitis has been a member of his group since his freshman year.

Both see their roles as factoring into their future.

“I will always be involved with politics in some way,” Love said.

“Anytime you are involved in party politics and take the initiative to start a group or become involved in it, you open up opportunities for future involvement.”