“You disarm, or we will.” –George W. Bush 10/5/02 Get me a war on in the morning, Ding dong! My polls are gonna shine! Federal taxes down, state taxes up, No impeachment today? I must be fine! Thank you nonvoters–In God’s name, I’m just killing for peace!

I might be starting World War Three because I don’t have a Plan B. (War in the name of peace is like having sex in the name of chastity.) Why do an intern when I can do the world? Our Southern border is invaded everyday, but I think that’s okay. (“Regime change” is the issue of late, so why isn’t Cuba our 51st state?) Bombing Afghanistan the flags were flying, so are our present polls lying? School districts are floundering, deficit spending is astounding. Education, health and social programs will be no more, We’ve got a bigger one with W—–A—–R! The Roman Empire’s and Hitler’s military budget were lower than ours. Now be a “Good German” of the 1930’s, or did you just get here from Mars? Watch what I say, not my action– it’s really a “War of Mass Distraction.” National Council of Churches, Walter Cronkite, and the Pope don’t like me. But I’ve got hatemonger and fact-free Rush Limbaugh and corporate TV. Corporations first, children last–it’s a shame Jesus was only in the past.

In a mess? Watch “Chicago” and see how easy it is to “use” the press. By always talking war, I’m slipping Congress garbage under the door. Thank you for trusting me and not protesting or voting in 2004. Secrecy, suppression of dissent, no debate all favor my fate! I’m keeping us in a permanent state of fear and war, because I’m too lazy to fix the economy by 2004. Don’t try me for treason–I have my reason. Don’t get mad–I’m doing this Iraq thing for Dad!

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Ken & Jenny Levens