The past issue of the Clarion had two editorials raising the same–no one is involved, we have no radicals, we need action. But guess what, the potential for all of those things is budding under the surface, and now is the time that we all get our stuff together and take action.

As a senior, I have seen two trends among our students when it comes to involvement. Either students are not involved at all and prefer to mix their academics with a thriving social life, or they are over involved and a member of too many things. As a student who has been there and done that, you can’t have much action in your group if all the members don’t have time because they have over committed themselves to every other group on campus. It’s great to be a member, but you do no one any good if you can’t participate because you are too busy. So here is the basic solution for all of you who complain about the lack of activity and still change nothing: if you aren’t involved: find something, and if you are involved, pick something and put your passion into it. In both cases, find your voice, raise your voice and act on it.

The consensus on this campus is that no one is doing anything. You have to remember that the statement includes you, so you have to take the initiative and not wait for others.

The story of this campus is created by those who have decided to make their mark, devoted themselves to one or two things, and carried through with their vision.

There is no better time than now to get involved. Using your voice has never been as critical as when issues of war arise. For me, my passion is now in the growing DU peace movement (if you want to join or get more information, email: dunowar@hotmail.com), and all it takes is to become aware, as I am doing here. Speak out. Students have the power to make change because opportunities to do so are thrown at us all the time.

Take a hold of opportunities, like the teaching event on Feb. 13 on the anti-war movement to become educated and form your own opinions. Find your voice. But most importantly, do not sit idly by. The time to act is now.