Photojournalist Corky Lee’s photo exhibit about Asian Americans opened last week in Driscoll.

Born and raised in Queens, New York, Lee has been a photographer for more than 30 years. When he was in junior high, he had the opportunity to see a photo commemorating the completion of the transcontinental railroad at Promontory Point, Utah, built by Chinese workers taken in 1869. There were no Chinese workers in the photo. That set him on a mission to record Asian participation in America.

His work has been featured in The New York Times, The New York Post, and Time magazine.

The exhibit is sponsored by the Denver chapter of CAPSA, the Colorado Asian Pacific Student Alliance, the Mile High Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League and the Organization of Chinese Americans Denver Chapter.

“I knew that there’s a pretty diverse student body, so I felt I had to be fairly representative,” Lee said.

“I’m not dictating what the story is,” Lee said. “Photography’s a universal language. If you take a photo, people usually get what you’re doing.”

Lee’s photos are up in Driscoll North on the first floor, Room 2055 until mid-March.