Artists, carpenters and food lovers listen up.
The International Interior Design Association Denver City Center is holding its second annual “Incredible Edible Chair” contest. The point of the contest is to create a chair out of food, and to make it as interesting and unusual as possible.
All chairs submitted to the contest must be at least 90 percent edible, which means contestants can use glue or paste, as long as it is in moderation.
Chairs should be either a scale model or full size. They don’t have to support a person, but they must be able to support their own weight for a minimum of eight hours. They must also have a base to catch any parts that fall off. All chairs must be titled.
Artists do not have to work alone. Chairs can be made by either groups or individuals
Entry fees for the contest are due no later than April 1, 2003. The fees are $10 for groups of one to three. Groups of four or more must pay an entry fee of $15.
There are seven prize categories, including best of show, most creative chair and best design.
Technical brilliance is another category, as are most humourous, most delicious and best adaptation of food into a chair.
For more information on the contest, contact Denver City Center Co-Director Helly Duncan, Associate IIDA at (303) 926-6725, or e-mail her at