The Senate plans to hear petitions from licensed organizations that are seeking a portion of $10,000 that is available for campus programs and activities on Feb. 18.

Student organizations that attend the meeting at 6 p.m. in Driscoll North on the second floor, Room 1864 will have five minutes apiece to present their program to the Senate. Subsequently, 10 minutes will be allotted to a question and answer session for each group.

“Groups will come and petition their reasons,” sophomore Senator Tyler DeWeese said. “[Their proposals] will be looked over and within the next week or so, there will be a decision.”

Allocations will be recommended by the Senate’s Board of Contingency, which hears requests from organizations requesting funds not in their original budget.

Their request “can range anywhere from $15 to $1,000 hypothetically,” DeWeese said.

The Campus Collaborative Luncheon, scheduled for Feb. 28, is expected to attract about 60 students and is estimated to cost $1,200.

Chair of Finance Mike Piciulo said. $800 will be spent on food and another $400 on invitations that will be sent to 126 student organizations.

The lunch is sponsored by the AUSA Senate and is aimed at focusing the attention of student leaders on campus issues. Following the lunch, those present will attend a variety of workshops. The event will be held in Driscoll Ballroom and adjoining conference rooms in Driscoll North.

Campus organizations apply every year for funds to run their programs. The organizations eligible for such funding by the AUSA Senate must be licensed by a committee of the Senate. To become an official organization, the group must demonstrate an active membership and provide programs that are available to all.

DeWeese also reported that 24 dozen forks and 15 dozen cups have been ordered for the Nelson Hall dining room because of student theft.

The Marsico Student Committee will look over proposals written by the Marsico Steering Committee, NSME Senator Weaver said.

The Marsico Steering Committee, which consists of faculty, staff and students, allocates the $10 million given over the next five years by DU alumnus Tom Marsico and his wife Cyndey for undergraduate enrichments in the humanities.

The faculty members and administrators were elected last June. Last October, the Student Marsico Advisory Committee members were elected from various departments as well as the AUSA Senate.

Chaired by Professor of Sociology George Potts, the Marsico Steering Committee put forth proposals divided into categories, including centers, experiential learning, first-year experience, intellectual depth and intellectual rigor.

“The Student Marsico Advisory Committee has been given access to those proposals, to read them from a student’s perspective and provide feedback to the faculty,” Weaver said. “We are also encouraged to create our own proposal if there is an area we feel is not being addressed adequately.”

Other Student Marsico Advisory Committee plans include a student union. Weaver met with Student Media Board Chair Barrett Wolfersperger to assemble suggestions made at the Student Marsico Committee meetings. These suggestions will be incorporated into a proposal that the Student Committee will submit to the Faculty Committee.

“Basically, the suggestions are physical improvements that would create an ideal student union on campus, and by those physical changes allow a better sense of community and intellectual stimulation,” Weaver said.

Other Senate funding is the Festival of Nations schedule for April 5, NSME Senator Chris Adams said,. The Diversity Committee.will give $5,000 to the International Student Organization that will host the festival.

DCB Senator Milena Zilo announced that the DCB Roundtable Tuesday, Feb. 11, discussed on “how we can better communicate with students and build a strong Daniels community,” Zilo said. “We brainstormed means of attaining solutions and sending important messages in an effective manner.”

One of the issues discussed by Patrick Orr, director of Educational Technology, was the elimination of enrollment on Blackboard, the online posting board.

Next year, enrollment on Blackboard will occur with registration. Each student’s password and username will be the same on Blackboard and e-mail..

The Senate will continue to meet every Tuesday at 6 p.m. in Driscoll North on the second floor, Room 1864.