The AUSA Senate will sponsor the Campus Collaborative Luncheon Feb. 28.to discuss ways to improve school spirit and address campus issues.

The luncheon is scheduled between 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the Renaissance Room in Mary Reed. Lunch will be served preceding break-out sessions that will pool ideas from different organizations.

In a 15-0 vote, with one abstention, the Senate voted Tuesday to make the luncheon mandatory for all senators.

“We invite one to two people from every club and then people that are looking into organizations,” On Campus Senator Christopher Sivavajchaipong said. “We always invite the Chancellor.”

Junior Senator Justine Brew appealed to the Senate to participate in Up ‘Til Dawn fundraiser. By forming an Up ‘Til Dawn team, the Senate could send out letters asking for donations for the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

“So far several teams have been able to raise money this way,” Brew said. “[H]opefully we will be able to do the same thing.”

AHUM/SOCS Senator Amber Kirchenschlager hopes to make available the legal studies minor to the AHUM majors, instead of it being offered only through the Daniles College of Business. To date, Kirchenschlager has been in contact with AHUM Assistant Dean Jen Krauss on courses that relate to children, drug use issues and social services.

Another of Kirchenschlager’s goals is to improve the freshman SOAR classes.

Through the Senate, Kirchenschlager became one of the student representatives of the Marsico Committee that solicits feedback from both faculty and students.

“We’re looking to improve the intellectual climate by making SOAR less social and focus more on academics with better speakers,” she said. “Having a series of lectures over a book that all of the incoming freshman would be required to read, was one idea. Keeping CORE classes small is another reoccurring theme that seems important to students.” The next Marsico Committee meeting is scheduled for Jan. 28.

The Senate meets every Tuesday at 6 p.m. in Room 1864 second floor Driscoll North.