THE FIRST QUARTER is almost over and many of us are looking back wishing we had never taken a certain class. Not because it was a boring subject, or too difficult, but because the teacher was horrible. Everyone has had that one professor that should be taking the class instead of teaching it.

Well rather than just shrug and say “Oh well, that class was a complete waste of time,” do something about it. Let students who may be considering this teacher for future classes know how bad he or she is. Do more than simply fill out evaluation sheets at the end of the quarter, though these reviews are helpful. To view these evaluations go to http://www.du.edu/assessment/evals/ucol.html. Go a step further. Go to www.MyProfesssorSucks.com and really let people know what you think.

Here you can find a plethora of information about professors from all over the United States and Canada. A graduate student at the University of Nebraska started the site. It has grown and become one of the largest college Web sites on the planet.

The site is full of interesting information such as daily quotes, surveys, contests and best of all teacher evaluations. You can either read posted evaluations or post evaluations of your own.

As of now, DU is on the Web site but only a few teachers are listed. Majority of the teachers are rated very well, receiving mainly As. There are teachers, who will remain nameless here, that received Fs. One of the good things about the site is that you can post any comments you want about a teacher. If you think he or she was awesome, say so. If you couldn’t stand your professor, rip into them. Here’s a quote from the site about a teacher at DU.

“If you haven’t already figured it out, courses that she teaches should be avoided like the plague! I recommend the Black Death over any of her courses; because that’s exactly what you’re going be wishing for after you enroll.”

This is a great tool that can be used by any student, and it may just make your next quarter a little easier.