Corporate America at DU

“Innocents Abroad? American Corporation and Foreign Corruption in the Era of Enron and Worldcom” will be discussed tonight from 5-7 p.m. in Cherrington Hall, room 301.John Walsh will present material on the topic of corporate corruption and in America today.Walsh is a local attorney with Hill and Robbins and specializes in cases dealing with white-collar crime.For information contact Joanne Evilsizer at jevilsiz@du.edu.

Lamont performs for campus

The Lamont School of Music will present several concerts throughout the week. Wednesday the DaVinci Quartet with pianist Theodor Lichtmann will perform from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Sturm Auditorium. They will perform “Written in Youthful Exuberance,” works by Felix Mendelsshon, Dmitri Shostakovich and Ernst von Dohnanyi. Friday Flo’s Underground will perform a free jazz concert from 5-7 p.m. in the Recital Salon in the Newman Center. Latin combos and student ensambles will perform.Also on Friday the Lamont Wind Ensemble will perform in Sturm Auditorium from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Admission is freeFor information contact the Lamont concert line at X16412.

University holds career fair

Wednesday the University of Denver will hold a career fair from 3-6 p.m. in Driscoll North Ballroom.There will be 57 employers from various fields at the fair for students to apply for internships and jobs.For a complete listing of employers who will be at the event go to www.du.edu/career/events/employeroct02.html. The fair also has a Web site of tips for students who will attend the fair and will apply for an intership. For information visit www.du.edu/career/events/careerfairtips2002.html.For information on the fair contact Kirby McIlyar at X13627 or kmcilyar@du.edu.

Foothills wants submissions

Foothills, the undergraduate literary magazine, is now accepting submissions for its upcoming issue. The journalaccepts forms of poetry, prose, art or other art forms. Submissions will be accepted until March 19, 2003.Those wishing to submit their work may do so digitally to foothillsjournal@hotmail.com or drop off a hard copy to the Foothills submission boxes in the Foothills office, the English Department in Sturm Hall, the Student Involvement Center and the office in Shwayder Art Building. Free copies of the journal will be distrubuted during the spring quarter.

Molina speaks of peace

The Denver Justice and Peace Committee will award their 2002 Global Justic e and Peace Award to Rigoberta Menchu today, but Menchu will not be able to attend.Menchu cancelled her scheduled appearance. A representative of the Rigoberta Menchu Tum Foundation, Raul Molina, will accept the award on Menchu’s behalf. He is a Guatamalan human rights activist and a visiting professor at New York University. Molina will discuss U.S. foreign policy relating to the war on terrorism and the impact of the war on human rights in Guatamala and the world.Menchu is the winner of the 1992 Novel Peace Prize and is a Guatemalan human rights activist. With the Nobel Prize money she established the Rigoberta Menchu Tum Foundation. The foundation works toward building and developing democracy and world peace. Tickets for students are $10 bought in advance and $13 at the door. Regular tickets are $15 in advance and $18 at the door.The committee will hold its award ceremony at 6:30 p.m. with a reception at 6 p.m. at the Montview Presbyterian Church at 1980 Dahlia St. Contact 303.623.1463 for tickets or information.

Media reunion

The second annual student media reunion is planned for the Homecoming weekend.Some two dozen former editors of the Clarion and the yearbook and DU’s radio station are expected to attend.The highlight of the event is a forum on Saturday on “Access to the Media.”Panelists include Dan Hopkins, special assistant to Colorado Gov. Bill Owens, Bill Clark, consumer and general assignment reporter for Channel 9 News, and Jerry Hagstrom, author and contributor to the National Journal in Washington, D.C.The forum is from 1:45 to 3 p.m. on Saturday in Renaissance Room North in the Mary Reed Building. It is preceded by a lunch at noon in Renaissance Room South. The panel is free and students, staff and faculty are urged to attend.For further information, contact Bridgett Beatty in Alumni Relations at X12770.

Human rights at Denver

Amnesty International will hold its Western Regional Conference in Denver Oct. 26-27.The conference, discussing human rights, will have a variety of events during the weekend including a rally on Friday at 5:30 p.m. and workshops held throughout the weekend at the Executive Tower Hotel.Speakers at the event will include Gen. Jose Gallardo, a former prisoner of Conscience in Mexico.Tickets are $15 for students.For information call 310.815.0450.