THE SENATE LAST Wednesday addressed the possibility of increasing parking on-campus. Currently, students living on Sorority Row on South Josephine Street must go downtown, a process which takes up to 2 hours, to get a permit to park on the street.

Daniels College of Business Senator Milena Zilo hopes to avoid the trip downtown by obtaining the permits on campus or by bringing a city official to DU one afternoon at the beginning of the year. Zilo hopes to resolve this for next year.

Zilo has been involved in organizing a forum for Daniels students. The forum, hosted by the Council of Undergraduate Business Students, will be Wednesday, Nov. 6, in the Daniels’ lounge from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“It will be open to all the undergraduate business students [where] they can get a chance to meet with their representative and tell us ideas or any concerns they want to be improved,” Zilo said.

As one of the DCB Senators, Zilo co-chairs CUBS, a Senate-funded student organization that represents business students, meets every month. CUBS hopes to improve faculty relations and communication and work on faculty advising. The forum will offer Daniels students a chance to meet faculty from various DCB departments.

Plans for a UDCC-advising center for junior and senior students looking for graduate school opportunities are being formulated into a proposal. A pilot program may be ready after winter break.

In its bid to promote pride and tradition among the DU population, the Senate decided it would attend the Homecoming as a DU body. Homecoming tickets for the DU body came courtesy of the Senate budget. “We need to get our faces out there,” President Jake Bakker said.

Freshman Senator Ben Burke brought up the possibility of having toiletries being sold at the C Store, so that students wouldn’t have to walk to Safeway.

“Toiletries would be great,” sophomore Kim Cooper said.

Freshman Ketan Shah is working on hanging the flags of the United States, Colorado and DU near the information desk of Driscoll North. The present U.S. flag, he said, was moldy and brown.

Shah is a supporter of improving campus life for freshmen. “They deserve everything,” he said of his fellow classmen. “They live in the dorms.”

Shan hopes to improve the bathrooms in J-Mac. Shah was elected with Burke at the beginning of this year’s SOAR in the biggest freshman senator election in years.

Benches on Driscoll Lawn are just one of the suggestions for this year’s Senior Class. Senior Senator Laura Szynskie has been investigating other campuses to generate ideas.

Junior Senator Erik Johnson is looking into introducing Frisbee golf on campus. He has spoken to several groups nationwide on how to plan and start out ways to do this. He’ll contact students and Campus Safety next for feedback.