THE UNIVERSITY OF Denver’s inline hockey team hopes to break into the big leagues this year, as they prepare to hold tryouts for this year’s team.

This year, the Collegiate Roller Hockey League (CRHL) will be breaking inline hockey into three leagues based on skill: the Premiere League, the Competitive League and the Developmental League. 20 of the 165 CRHL teams are expected to in the Premiere League, with 80 in the Competitive League, and the rest in the Developmental League.

Darwyn Metzger, president and founder of DU’s Inline Hockey team, would like for the team to become the best of the best in the nation.

“We are hoping to get the squad good enough for the Premiere League,” said Metzger.

The team is entering its second year as a club sport, and has plans to play several colleges. The team will play at regionals, to determine their league. Tryouts for the team will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday inside the Bladium Sports Club. Talent coaches from Denver will be judging, looking for a combination of skill, team applicability and sportsmanship. Anyone can try out. However, it is a men’s league and only men will play on the competitive team.

“We want anyone with any skill to tryout for us,” said Metzger. “We are also looking for any graduate students who would like to try out and join developmental squads.”

For more information on tryouts or DU’s Inline Hockey Team, contact President Darwyn Metzger at (720)480-6607 or dametzge@du.edu.