Photo by: Kevin Hall/Clarion

STUDENTS WHO ARE are currently enrolled in Modern Dance One are hoping to convince administration and faculty to create a dance minor or a similar program in the Department of Theatre.

Dance instructor Erica Kaufman said, “We are investigating the possibility of establishing a dance minor. It is definitely in the realm of things that could possibly happen.”

Kaufman is trying to raise awareness in the community and at DU about dance. She will be teaching an intermediate dance technique course in the winter quarter. The administration will be watching the class to gauge interest in dance at DU.

Students who are currently enrolled in Kaufman’s class have expressed their interest and enjoyment of the class.

Freshman Erin Finegold said, “It helps you be outgoing.”

Kaufman has been working with William Davis, chair of the theatre department, to create a dance program.

Kaufman said, “It’s been fabulous working with the theatre faculty. There has been interest and support.”

The class for the winter quarter is THEA 2010 and will be an intermediate dance technique class open to all students with previous dance experience. The winter quarter class is slated to be held in Towers’ Lounge on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9-10:30 A.M.

For more information email Erica Kaufman at ekaufman@du.edu.