The AUSA Senate plans to enhance its role in facilitating communication between students and administration, during the academic year.

Last Wednesday’s meeting included a discussion about the Senate’s interaction with student organizations. A bill that requires student organizations seeking funding to attend at least one AUSA meeting each quarter was approved by majority of the Senate. Josh Johnson, an on-campus senator, said the bill hopes to “bridge the gap between the Senate and the organizations that we fee.”

The Senate also discussed the renovation of Pioneer Place in Driscoll North. Although plans were approved last spring, funding became an issue when funding expected from administration fell from $75,000 to $6,000, to match the students’ contribution, Senator Jillian Doss said. Carpeting and furniture will be replaced at a cost of $12,000. Pioneer Place will be painted and blinds donated by DU board of trustees, Doss said.

A copy of the layouts will be displayed so students can see what the Pioneer Place will look like. Renovations will occur during winter break to be finished for winter quarter.

Andrew Petraitis, senator of the Daniels College of Business and member of the Senate Executive Board, said the Senate’s main goal is “to create tradition and pride on the campus.”

Serving his third year, Petraitis said this year’s Senate hopes to distinguish itself from past Senates by being “more dedicated to accomplish [the students’] goals.”

He hopes to bring the Senate into students’ lives, on the Driscoll Bridge, in the classrooms and on Driscoll Lawn.

Senate communication began with a retreat in late September at the Mt. Evans Field Station cabin, where each member expressed his or her personal goals and Senate goals for this year.

One of Petraitis’ goals is to bring an advising center to Daniels. Initiated by complaints of poor advising in the Center for Academic Resources, the plan outlined a center to serve the entire campus. Petraitis worked with fellow Daniels Senator Milena Zilo and Dr. Robert Christie Mill, dean of undergraduate business. Petraitis said he hoped to generalize advising to other schools on campus.

The Senate meets every Wednesday in Driscoll Suite 1864 at 6:30 p.m. (Driscoll North, 2nd floor). All students and visitors are welcomed at every meeting.