Every college student shares these concerns and I think I can give them some help.
First : Money. Whether you’ve been saving all summer, expect to receive periodic gifts of cash or are going to work through the school year – you want money, you need money and you are going to spend it. Spend it intelligently though – you might want to write yourself a budget. It’s also always a good idea to set aside emergency funds for the unpredictable events of life. Don’t dip into money you know you are going to need later.
Socialization: It seems like your most important concern, but don’t let it get in the way of your education or mess up your budget. Social events will help you meet new people. Try something cultural, like a film festival, an art-show or a sporting event. In addition you can always learn something that will make you more interesting in general.
Speaking of learning: go to class! Yes, there are many more interesting things to do than sit in a stuffy classroom listening to a long and boring lecture on the politics of Ghana, but learning anything–even something you don’t think you want to know– will make you a more interesting person. Good grades are one thing, but retention is another, and good study habits will help you earn both.
Well, that’s it, some sound advice. – you’ve probably heard it before, but that doesn’t make it any less important. I’m going to take it myself.