I often forget just how good of a life I am living, especially here at DU, until the atrocity of poverty and oppression was thrown in my face as it was Monday night, Sept. 16, when I volunteered at the Denver Rescue Mission downtown.

For over an hour, I, along with members of CKI (Circle K International-a volunteer group here on campus), helped serve food to the homeless.

Initially, the evening began as a fun night; I was excited, energetic and ready to take on any task. But as time wore on, and I saw the men, women and children who filed in, I soon realized how oblivious I was to the seriousness of their situation. These people have to live with poverty everyday and every moment of their lives.

I was polite and courteous to the people who came in and out of the Rescue Mission. There I was wishing them a good night when they probably wouldn’t have one. But they seemed to be grateful for the food and the service.

There was one little girl who touched my heart. Her name was Brittany, and she is nine years old with a head of deep, red hair. She told me she was in fourth grade, but does she go to school? So many questions, yet very few answers.

I joined CKI in hopes that I will make a difference; you know, save the world. Myron Ross, one of the managers of the Denver Rescue Mission, told us that the shelter is about change. How right he was. I feel as though I have been changed, both emotionally and spiritually.