America is at its best in periods of disaster, tragedy and strife. It is common to see American citizens, from every walk of life, extend their hand to help those suffering. In times of national emergency, the American people connect in spirit regardless of individual beliefs or political differences. The people of this great nation willingly rally together for what is the nation’s collective good and often times the collective good of the human race. However, following the first anniversary of 9-11, our nation needs to look forward to our role in securing peace and prosperity for the nation and the world.

The American people need to put forward the same dedication, energy and spirit to being the leaders of proactive change resulting in long-term world peace and prosperity.

Yet, today America and Americans are perceived by some in the world community as selfish, greedy and militaristic. The people of this great nation do not want to be perceived by the world for these traits. Those who despise and hate us cannot comprehend how a nation composed of Jews, Muslims, Christians and atheists can coexist even when plagued by the on-going problems like racism and prejudice. The contradiction of the American people is that for a country founded on individual freedoms and constitutional rights along with the ability to self-govern so few Americans are willing to participate in the political process. Sadly, materialism and a self-centered nature has created a people who seem to value the ability to shop, spend and consume more than the right to vote.

The events of the past year have brought forward the question of what is patriotism. Patriotism is not blind obedience to authority, but is the willingness to dissent dialogue, and come forward with issues and beliefs counter to majority. During the last century the struggles facing our planet and our nation’s willingness to respond have demonstrated the greatness of our country and our form of government. Also, our leaders, especially many former American Presidents, have been the face of our nation’s greatness by leading not only our country but the world through periods of great turmoil. Many of our politicians have been individuals who have articulated the nation’s beliefs and ideals for as better planet by the creation of organizations dedicated to peace and diplomacy. The League of Nations, the United Nations, and the Marshall Plan are just a few examples of this vision.

We need to put forward similar visions now.