Two University of Denver alumni have promised $10 million to the university to help improve the arts and sciences on campus.

Tom and Cydney Marsico both received degrees from Daniels College of Business. Their contribution will be one of the largest of its type in DU history.

The grant has given DU a great deal of freedom regarding how it will be used and allocated. The university has decided to use the gift to help enhance the academic environment of DU. A committee made up of faculty and administrators will help decide on the allocations of the money. The plans for enhancements will begin this fall.

To keep the faculty and students involved, the committee will create a website where reports and updates will be posted. A student committee will also be created to allow students to offer their own ideas for the allocations of funds.

“Ultimately, we want to make a DU education demonstrably the best anywhere, as measured by the character, abilities and achievements of our graduates,” said Chancellor Daniel L. Ritchie. “They are the true measure of our greatness.”

The Marsicos, too, have great hopes for their contribution.

“When students are inspired to excel in the arts and sciences, they learn to think creatively, critically, and broadly,” said Tom Marsico. “That ability is fundamental to the entrepreneurial spirit that drives the health of our economy.”