Photo by: Kevin Hall/Clarion

The tentative time: 7 p.m. The final destination: Hamilton Gym. The worthy cause: to benefit breast cancer research.

This past Friday, eight brave DU lads participated in a drag queen fashion review. Despite various “testicle difficulties,” it was an enjoyable show. The winner deservedly earned his crown.

I recently interviewed the various winners to learn their perspectives on the experience.

Second place was taken by the two-person act of Brian Bau and Travis Randall. They choreographed dancing to “Sister, Sister” from the 1950s classic, White Christmas.

“It was an experience,” Bau related.

He said the hardest part was off stage in the dressing rooms where, “there were grown men fighting over dresses.”

Bau was persuaded to participate because it was a good cause. Though he might re-do the experience, Bau said he would probably not do it again.

The big winner of the evening was freshman Nick Sauer and his sassy rendition of “Come On Over” by Christina Aguilera.

Sauer was approached by DUPB to take part in the event because “they wanted some freshman representation. They knew that I would embarass myself and not mind.”

Though he enjoyed strutting his stuff, he really believes the professional drag queens who performed stole the show. Sauer enthusiastically declared that he would love to participate again if offered another chance to win.

When asked if this makes him question his sexuality he replied with a smile, “only on days that end in ‘y’.”

Not only were these guys challenged to step out of their comfort zone, but they also learned a bit about what it is like to be a girl.

From the sorrows of shaving to the burden of bras, the role of womanhood is not for the weak of heart.

Sauer recommended to his guy friends, “if you are an extrovert like me, you have to do this. If you are an introvert, this is a must!”

As all the participants demonstrated, it takes a true man to become a woman, even if it is for charity.