Do you ever have those moments in life when you’re rereaching into your bag of potato chips and you find an extra hand also looking for some potato chips? Then after careful examination, you find that it’s the same hand that is always taking your chips. Every time you crack a fresh bag, this hand is there, lying in wait. These are the kinds of freeloaders I can’t stand.

I know every smoker out there knows what I’m talking about. There are two kinds of smokers: those who buy cigarettes, and those who “bum” cigarettes.

Only you and your friends know which kind of person you are, but shame on you if you are the bum. You go to DU, you probably drive a late model car, and you can afford to buy your own smokes.

Of course, think of how many more packs of smokes you could buy if you sold your car. You’d be so relaxed you could handle anything.

How many times have you gone out with your friends and gotten food? When the bill comes, and your friend only gives you enough to cover his or her food and drink, but there’s nothing for the tip, aren’t you annoyed?

Sure, anyone could be low on cash. This isn’t a problem; you’ll always bail out a friend. But if it starts to become a habit, then you’re not low on cash. You’re just a low-life.

Then there are the people who never pay you back. Always borrowing a dollar here, a dollar there, and eventually they take enough to open a Swiss bank account.

Every little bit counts, and it’s shameful to take advantage of those who are generous to a fault.

Hey if I wanted to invest a fortune in you, I’d have you shine my shoes and drive my Rolls. I’m giving you more green than is at a farmer’s market, but the taste in my mouth isn’t sweet, it’s bitter.

To those of you who are always giving and only getting a small “thanks” in return, you’re helping keep our economy afloat.

To those of you on the receiving end of this, I hope you change your ways.