Need a lawyer? In the fall of 2003, many lawyers-in-training will be closer than ever, thanks to the new law school building.

The construction of the new College of Law building began Oct. 16, 2001. When the school is finished, it will be the first time in recent history to have all of its buildings located on one campus.

The building, located between Asbury and Evans, will be four stories when completed. It will be 200,000 square feet and will accommodate 1,050 students and 136 members of the faculty and staff.

There will be underground parking below the building, as well as a separate structure nearby. Overall, the law school parking lots will be able to accommodate 850 cars.

In addition to the new parking structures, the building will feature a central commons called the Law School Forum, which will serve as a gathering space for students and faculty.

It will also contain the Law Library and Technology Center for Legal Research, an approximately 38,325 square foot library with a seating capacity of 1,020.

There will be 15 classrooms, including one 120-seat lecture hall and five seminar rooms. It will have 31 meeting rooms, 12 of which will be in the library, and an enhanced space for clinical programs, associated programs, student journals and student organizations.

The building will feature new technology, such as “smart” classrooms and seminar rooms with network connections at every seat. There will be technologically advanced “moot court rooms” for mock trials.

The building will be designed to mimic the Ritchie Center. It will feature a copper roof, red brick and limestone trim and interior finishes of oak and quarry tile floors. There will be a tower, similar to the towers on the Ritchie Center and Nelson Hall.

The building is being sponsored by the Second Century Campaign and is being funded by donations, mostly made by alumni. The SCC is asking for at least $30 million in funding and endowments.

The co-chairs, Doug Scrivner and Steve Farber, feel that this building is a worthy investment for any potential donor.

“We ask that you join us in this endeavor and participate in transforming DU Law into a powerhouse of a law school, one that will impact generations of students, our profession and the community for many years to come,” they said in a letter describing the project.

Many law students are happy about the new building. They are excited to be able to have access to all the technology, library resources and space that the new school will offer them. They are pleased that the Law school is moving to a more central location at the University Park campus.

For more information, visit http://www.law.du.edu/secondcenturycampaign/index.html.