The following response is to an editorial printed April 11, “Early registration at DU remains unfair.”

To the editor:We write in response to the diatribe on students who qualify for early registration through their enrollment in the Learning Effectiveness Program by Clarion staff writer Jerry Mitchell. We believe that Mitchell may have a legitimate concern, but his anger and hostility is misguided and inappropriate. A much more mature and responsible approach is to raise with the university administration the legitimacy and viability of early registration. If he feels he is being treated unjustly, it is more responsible to seek a remedy for the failures of the system than to attack the people that he believes benefit.By insulting those students who are enrolled in LEP, Mitchell exhibits a clear understanding of the ad hominem fallacy. This kind of doomed logic can only serve to undercut his position and stall forward progress in civil exchange.

Barbara WilcotsAssitant ProfessorandMargaret Whitt Associate ProfessorDepartment of English

Editors Note: The opinion expressed in Jerry Mitchell’s editorial is his own, and does not represent the opinion of the staff and editors at the Clarion.