At least seven students are without laptops after a series of robberies that occurred over spring break.

Ty Mills, interim director of Campus Safety, confirmed that items were reported stolen from various rooms in Centennial Towers. There are also reports of missing DVD players and movies, though this could not be confirmed.

The staff at Towers is working with Campus Safety to determine the extent of the loses.

The Denver Police Department is also involved, with resident assistants in Towers reporting that suspects may have been identified and are being investigated.

Their identities are being kept confidential, the RAs said.

According to some resident assistants in Towers, the suspects gained entry into the rooms by calling first, then knocking on doors to rooms to make sure no one was home.

Campus Safety reported that one victim was in her room napping when the suspects knocked on the door and made their way in using either a master or lockout key. The suspects left once they realized someone was inside the room.

All keys for Towers are now accounted for and under 24-hour staff access only, which is the general security practice.

The majority of the victims said that their entrance doors were secure during the burglaries, though the inside doors to the common suite areas were not.