Patriotism comes in many shapes and colors, as demonstrated by Denver resident William Parks, who, after the Sept. 11 terrorists attacks displayed his loyalty to the United States by covering his van with anti-terrorism paintings.

“Pissed off” about the deadly attack on New York’s Twin Towers, Parks, with the help of two friends, transformed his once white van into a symbol of American patriotism.

The van, which is typically parked outside the Mass Communications building on DU’s campus, is engulfed in red, white and blue paint. Across the back are the words, “Terrorists, f #*$ ’em.” Additionally, the entire van is painted to resemble the American flag.

“Terrorism doesn’t work,” said Parks. “American freedom works, period. We’re allowed to do what we want, including painting our vans.”

Sept. 11 coincidently is Park’s wife’s birthday, and the idea that she had to postpone her birthday celebration prompted Parks to protest.

“I was just pissed off that everything was closed because of the attacks,” said Parks.

Since Sept. 11, Parks, who claims to enjoy helping others, has used his patriotic van to transport people who haave found it difficult to make flight arrangements.

The van transformation occurred on Sept. 11, and continued through the Sept. 12. Despite his boss’ suggestion to repaint the van, Parks has no plans to change it.