AUSA Senate allocated approximately $25,000 of $31,000 in excess funds to 11 organizations yesterday.

The funds went to Model United Nations, $5,560; College Republicans, $500; Order of Omega Greek Society, $7,500, with the stipulation that the money not be used for Who’s Who at DU or campus relations; Take Back the Night, $1,325 of the funds; Alpine Club, $1,000; The International Film Festival, $3,500; Francoscope, $1,600; …isms Art Organization, $1,250, with the stipulation that money not be used for alcoholic beverages at their event; Japanese Student Association, $900; and The Italian Society, $1,750, with the stipulation that they become a licensed student organization.

FOCUS received $900, with a stipulation that the money can only be used for DU students. The money could not be used for charity donations and its project would have to be advertised as “a service learning opportunity.”

Senate denied the requests of the following organizations: Feed the Homeless, Towers Hall Council, International Orientation Team, with the stipulation that Senator Andrew Petraitis assist them in applying for Senate finance funds next year, and International Student and Scholar Services, with the stipulation that Senator Christopher Gomez submit a resolution to DU administration expressing concern that department groups appeal to Senate because of funding deficiencies.

Senator Gomez said, “I feel that a lot of these clubs are coming to us for supplemental funding . . . I worry about what sort of precedent we’re setting. I just feel there are things on [the agenda] that need to be administration responsibilities.”

DU representatives addressed Senate on meal plan concerns. They explained that students receive less meal cash when they convert meals to cash. This is done as an incentive for students to utilize the cafeterias. They said that without this measure, Sidelines Pub, The Commons and Pioneer Place would not be able to support the number of students.

DU and Sodexho are currently working on commuter/apartment student meal plans. This will be a smaller meal option with approximately 35 meals per quarter and $175 in meal cash.

They are also expanding the C-Store in Centennial Halls and making Pioneer Place a complete Starbucks. DU’s contract with Sodexho is up for review in 2005.

Senate passed Resolution Four, encouraging and supporting “that coin machines be provided in Towers, Johnson-McFarlane and Halls by the Department of Residence for use by all undergraduate students.”