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“Crossroads” opens with every guy’s dream: Britney Spears dancing around in her underwear, singing along to Madonna’s “Open Your Heart.”

“Crossroads,” which opened last Friday in theaters everywhere, proves that a movie starring a mega pop star can actually hold a meaningful message and a cast of more-than-supporting actors and actresses.

The story seems like a typical teenage girl movie: three girls on a roadtrip, having fun and sharing laughs with a sugary pop soundtrack playing on the car stereo. Only in a movie would four teenagers take a roadtrip in a topless convertible.

A few instances in the film point to Spears’ personal and popstar life. In the first few minutes of the film, Lucy (Spears’ character) is at her high school prom, but strays from the downstairs dancing crowd to join her date in their hotel room. Yet her date is her lab partner, who pales in compaison to Lucy–literally (his skin almost glows in the dark).

They planned to lose their virginity that night, and although Lucy was concerned about the night not being a romantic “first time,” her partner had no problems at all. But what teenage male, a virgin about to go to college, wouldn’t want his first time to be with Britney Spears?

During the trip, the girls constantly fight with their driver over the music on the radio. Ben, played by Anson Mount, finally gives in and switches the music to, coincidentally, “Bye, Bye, Bye” by NSync.

I know a lot of people are cynical about a movie starring the scantilly-clad singer, and as a Britney-lover I may be a bit biased.

But think about it: her first role is one of a teenage girl coming to terms with herself, and growing up as she develops her friendship with two girls from her childhood.

As seen in her current hit single, “I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman” (which is featured in “Crossroads”), Spears is in that transition stage of a young woman’s life.

Her acting is appropriate for the role, and she should be commended on trying something new.