Letter to the Editor: I’d like to first say that I do not mean to comment with meanness. I respect Mr. Hill and Rowe as…
After a video of some of the University of Oklahoma’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) members chanting a racist rallying call on a bus went viral,…
When a famous person comes to a university, you will hear about it. The presidential debate that DU hosted in 2012 is still mentioned in…
Skim through your inbox from last week and you might find emails on undergraduate student updates, departmental events, Chancellor invitations, DU Digest and internal news.…
A great university is defined by open and uninhibited dialogue, where conflicting ideas and viewpoints are free flowing and lively debate is the norm. Unfortunately,…
Motorized scooters are a fun and easy method of transportation on campus, but recently, DU Parking Services have restricted their use. Although the new scooter…
College campuses are oftentimes catalysts of social change. With many young adults focused in one area, colleges are much more likely to embrace change before…
It’s the time of year when many college students start receiving invitations to various honors societies. From the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) to…
DU held its annual Winter Career and Internship Fair on Feb. 18. It was a record-breaking event according to Sue Hinkin, Executive Director of Career…
Letter to the Editor Roderick O’Dorisio, the Financial Director of the DU Clarion, recently wrote an article calling the fossil fuel divestment movement “laughable” and…