On Thursday, May 30, the Black Community Initiatives (BCI) hosted the first-ever Black communities end-of-year celebration. The event was hosted in collaboration with the Black…
The pro-Palestine encampment, though now disbanded, garnered an unprecedented amount of attention for DU student activists. Although students occupied the majority of the spotlight, another…
On the morning of May 4, the Native Student Alliance (NSA) and fellow volunteers met bright and early to set up the thípi, coming together…
As the pro-Palestine encampment enters its third week on Carnegie Green, the chants led by organizers have become a key element. The chants intend to…
As we enter week two of the DU Pro-Palestine encampment situated on Carnegie Green, it is high time to reflect on the state of the…
On Thursday, May 9, students at the University of Denver were alerted via Instagram of a Palestine solidarity rally at DU’s campus that would begin at…
In the two weeks since April 22, the University of Denver campus has been electrified with discussions about the recent termination of employment of DU…
As the inaugural student chapter on a college campus, DU’s It’s Ok to Be Extraordinary (OK2BX) chapter is leading the way in embracing diversity through…
The month of May is observed as Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Heritage Month and Jewish American Heritage Month. Here’s a deep dive into…
Read the English version of this article here. Dra. Maria del Carmen Salazar era una estudiante universitaria de primera generación, quien nació en México y…