As midterms approach, DU tries to relieve stress and give students something to look forward to. During week six, Oct. 16 - 20, the DU…
On Oct. 20, the DU Thrift Store and the DU Fashion and Sewing Club joined forces to host the inaugural “jurse” workshop, a jean purse-making…
DU’s annual hockey campout, organized by DUPB and DU Athletics, is what some might call the best time of the year. Students arrive, some as…
Grab some popcorn and put those phones on silent. The DU Film Lovers Society (FLS) is officially here, and all movie-watchers are welcome. FLS is…
Last Friday, Oct. 6, the on-campus thrift store associated with the Center for Sustainability hosted a pop-up event where they sold books and shoes for…
Have you ever wondered what restaurants lie beyond campus? Aside from Jerusalem, Snarf’s and Spanky’s, we don’t hear too much about the restaurants surrounding us.…
On Sept. 15, 2023, the iconic Colorado 14er formerly known as Mount Evans was renamed to Mount Blue Sky. After many years of discussion and…
A new smoothie place took over the spot of Rollin N’ Bowlin (RnB) in the Community Commons starting this academic year. But how does it…
Leith McLeod is a recording and production student from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania at the Lamont School of Music, where he studies jazz bass with a minor in…
DU’s up-and-coming solo artist, Rosie's Haven, may just be the university’s claim to fame in 10 years when the whole world is listening to her…