AUSA Senate allocated an additional $61,514 after hearing appeals from "license-fundable" organizations last night, and passed the entire finance allocation package for 2002-2003 totaling $254,437.…

Green envy

April 25, 2002

One pair of teal grandma-style pants, teal turtle neck, red running shorts, red bandanna, leather belt, red stockings, red gloves and green hair dye. In…

World tour

April 25, 2002

Some 2,000 visitors attended last Saturday's Festival of Nations. During the day-long event, Driscoll North came alive with vibrant colors, exotic smells and foreign music.…

Crime Report

April 18, 2002

April 8 7:25 a.m., a Campus Safety officer reported graffiti on the brick walkway outside the Daniels College of Business. Facilities Management was notified. 1:45…

For several months now Jerry Mitchell has raised the question: are LEP students getting an unfair advantage because of early/priority registration. His latest article states,…