On Jan. 24, Denver Public Schools released an announcement to their communities about how they would be handling the executive orders given by the Trump administration to pursue ICE “investigations” within schools and churches, which were once protected spaces.
DPS informed their staff to “not allow [ICE officers] entry into the building.” They have honorably acted as a barrier between ICE and the children they teach and protect.
ICE agencies have already made plans to conduct raids on Aurora. Reportedly, they were supposed to move into Aurora last Thursday, but have postponed the action to a later date due to the level of public attention
Additionally, Trump has accelerated the terms of deportation, specifically targeting the visas of international students who participated in pro-Palestine demonstrations. Trump is rapidly setting the precedent that international citizens who have gone through every necessary and legal process can be deported based on their political views, based on what they believe in.
The University of Denver finds itself both locationally and circumstantially in the middle of this prospective ICE raid crisis. The university must take action right now to effectively address the storm raging around us and the fears of its community.
Recently, International Scholar and Student Services released an email to the student body giving resources such as “know your rights” information. While this is a good start, the university must immediately make a statement that they will not allow ICE on University of Denver property to protect its international and immigrant students.
During this time I often think back to the poem written by pastor Martin Niemöller during the holocaust:
“First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me”
This is the epoch of our people. At this moment we must band together or be crushed. Whether or not you believe yourself to be at risk of this administration, take into account the misery that will be enacted upon those around you, and watch as the membrane that protects you from this vicious machine slowly dissolves.
Yes, they may not be coming for you because you are not an immigrant. Yes, they may not kick down your door because you are not an international student. Yes, your rights may not be threatened because you are not trans.
But who will help support the weight of the treads when everyone else has been crushed by this indiscriminate machine?
The time is now. Participate in the people’s organization. Join local community groups such as LAISA, Club for Collective Liberation, QSA, Divest DU, DU Student Union, BSA, NSA and more. Hear how you can take action now before it is too late.
If you are connected with anyone who is at direct risk of being targeted by ICE agencies, please send them a link to the red cards that explain in any language their rights.
As a student body, we must urge our university to take a stance, just as Denver Public School has, that they will not allow ICE agents to enter University of Denver buildings. Our administration must publicly announce that it will protect its students.