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There are no misconceptions regarding former president Donald Trump’s ignorance. 

As a proud Southern, middle-class American, he is the greatest disgrace against everyday Americans. Just as the Confederacy to the Union — the former president has stabbed America in the back, disrespected U.S. soil, sowed further division, and discontinued the evolution of this country. 

Therefore, everyone in this country should feel personally offended by his spewing of lies and the putrid of his, “conceptions of a plan.” Who are we to think he cares about us when he doesn’t discuss any plans set in place with his running mate? 

Especially Southerners who have yet to realize they have been used to further his deception. To elaborate, the South has been controlled by an elite group of rich white people and to further bring about their power they have compelled the poor, specifically southern whites, into thinking they have been fighting for freedom — when in reality we have been conscripted in this war to benefit the elite.

This has been going on for a very long time. So much for “making America great again” in that sense. This is a perfect example of our history being repeated by a cold-blooded man who is willing to tear this country apart, as long as it lines his pockets. Not only did he deny inciting violence against our capital with U.S. officials present, but this resulted in the death of not only police officers but also his supporters. 

So, how could he turn around after that event and point fingers at recent immigrants in Colorado who have claimed soil forcefully? He has stained this land among many in our history. Even ignoring the principles our founding fathers insisted on — regarding not having a two-party system. The former president has done that statement justice, as he can’t even set aside his beliefs to acknowledge and shake the hand of his competitor.

It should be noted as well that Donald Trump had a lack of words in support of the people who hold him up on his podium, which he simultaneously uses to portray himself as a Christ-like figure and parades around our flag as our so-called “savior” who invests in hatred and division. A false idol at its finest. 

Understand that America has not had a bright history, but we have evolved. The American flag has evolved. It represents all the brilliant minds and brave hearts that are persistent in securing freedom — even if that means sacrificing their own.

Additionally, it’s true that the South is historically poor and has a different political point of view. The Republican party has been our advocate…but make no mistake. This man could care less about you and certainly does not share our experiences. And this debate revealed much of what he hasn’t been telling you, such as the tax breaks for the rich and a 20% tax increase on everyday goods, totaling about $4,000 more per year. 

Trump made it very clear he has no intention to aid the working class, as he instead focused on tariffs and driving money from other countries instead of concentrating within. 

The need to deprive other countries wouldn’t exist if he expanded on the amazing workers and resources we have in America. While you had to start working at a young age, he was “only awarded a fraction” of the $400 million in allowance from his father — money like that could turn around many lives for the better. 

The southern United States should be over this manipulation — this bloodbath he calls for if he doesn’t uphold the presidency once again means you will be expected to rally. The South should be done with having blood poured on our hands by the elite. Make the South the key to the unification of America.