Photo Courtesy of The Student Printz


Seasoned Harry Potter fans and novices alike attended “The Event that Shall not Be Named” on Oct. 23. Hosted by the DU Programming Board (DUPB), the event boasted a wide range of activities and gave tickets for free Wheels on Fire pizza. The Denver- run food truck provided delicious wood-fired pizzas with a variety of options. 

When students arrived at this event, they were given the choice between a free green or yellow beanie embroidered with the DUPB logo. If the yellow beanie was chosen, this would mean the student belonged in the Hufflepuff house. For those not familiar with the famous series, being in Hufflepuff house means you tend to be patient, dedicated, kind, tolerant and fair. If the green beanie was chosen, that would mean an individual belonged in the Slytherin house.  Students in the Slytherin house tend to be cunning, ambitious, determined and clever. 

After choosing their preferred house, students were able to design their own wand. In the book, the wand picks the wizard and there is an emphasis on the uniqueness of each wizard’s wand. Subsequently, DUPB provided wooden wands and a variety of different paints so each student could customize their own. 

Lastly, students were able to create their own terrarium. Within the books, Hogwarts students have to take a variety of herbology classes, and growing plants is taught to be an important part of wizardry. In the same fashion, DU students were able to design their terrarium with a variety of succulents, dirt and rocks.

Overall this event was a fun and exciting way for DU students to come together and share their love of Harry Potter.