Spring is a good thing for many reasons: the ability to wear less clothes, actually wanting to go outside, porches, cookouts, feeling the sun tan (or burn) your face, biking, hiking, swimming, camping, rollerblading (if you’re into that kind of thing) and those oh-so-slushy ski resorts. Each spring day is filled with happiness knowing that it’s the last quarter of DU’s academic year, but at the end of each day lies the biggest reason of all that spring is such a good thing: Sunsets.
Whether you enjoy this magical time of day with your significant other, your dog, your cat, your friends or alone, here are seven great places to do it.
University of Denver RTD Parking Structure
Walk across Buchtel Boulevard from High Street to the DU light rail station (near Centennial Towers). It’s a great time to wander around campus, so stroll over to DU’s light rail station and enjoy the view from atop of the parking garage. This is about as high as you can get around here due to the lack of hills, and the ride down is a really good time if you have wheels.
Kunming Park
1.5 miles – Head west on Evans Avenue, turn left onto Logan Street, right onto Harvard Avenue, then a quick left onto Grant Street.
Perched on a quaint little hill near Broadway, Kunming Park is one of Denver’s best-kept secrets. It is clean, quiet, rarely crowded and has one killer view of the Rockies. Several benches face straight west, serving for an ideal sunset on any evening.
Ruby Hill Park
3 miles – Head west on Evans Ave, turn right onto Platte River Drive, left onto Florida Avenue and left onto Lipan Street.
Ruby Hill Park is another good place to find some elevation in Denver. Just a few blocks down Evans, past Broadway, grassy hills and great views can be found here. While Wash Park and Observatory Park get all the crowds, Ruby Hill offers a distinctive and pleasant experience.
Denver Museum of Nature and Science Patio/ City Park
6.5 miles – Head east on Evans Avenue, turn left onto Colorado Boulevard, pull a U-turn at 22nd Avenue, and the Museum will be on the right.
The entire City Park makes for a great sunset stroll. It’s big, it’s beautiful and it’s a perfect place to get away from the typical DU sphere. Within City Park lies a big and open patio at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science with hard-to-beat views. Gazing over the park and into the downtown area will not disappoint.
Cheesman Park
4.5 miles – Head east on Evans Avenue, turn left onto University Boulevard, left onto 8th Avenue, and the park will be on the right.
Capitol Hill is one of Denver’s finest areas, and it comes as no surprise that within it lies one of Denver’s best parks, Cheesman Park. This is a perfect place to lie down in soft grass or walk along clean pavement paths. For the best sunset possible, head up to the Cheesman Memorial Pavilion.
Sloan’s Lake
8.5 miles – Take I-25 north to 6th Avenue (exit 209B), then take the exit for Sheridan Boulevard 1.5 miles later. Merge right down Sheridan Boulevard, and the park will be on the right after 1.5 miles.
Sunsets over water are the best sunsets of all, and Sloan’s Lake is one of the few places to experience them near Denver. This setting is so unique that you’ll feel hours away from the city even though it’s just a 10-15 minute drive. It’s a great getaway from college chaos and additionally serves as a romantic place to get gushy with your significant other.
Buffalo Bill Memorial Museum
22 miles – Take I-25 north to 6th Ave (exit 209B), then take the exit for I-70 west eight miles later. Five miles down I-70, take exit 256 for Lookout Mountain. From here, various signs will lead you to the museum.
Lookout Mountain is a fairly well-known destination, but tucked onto the side of this mountain is the less- known Buffalo Bill Memorial Museum. The museum itself is actually pretty awesome for just $5, but the observation deck can be enjoyed for free to accommodate that college budget. This is the grandest sunset view to be found within a half hour driving radius.
It can be from the top of a parking garage or the top of the mountain, but make sure to dedicate some time for sunsets this quarter. There’s nothing more relaxing after a full day of classes to throw in the towel with that big old beautiful ball of light. Making it through the final quarter of the year may seem impossible from time to time, but not with the presence of a classic Mile High sunset.