I would love to hazard a reply to Rob and Sven’s column last week concerning the issue of finding a marriage-material wife at DU. Now, if you subscribe to the whole ‘Mrs. Right’ mentality that there is one perfect gal out there for you, then do not settle for anything less than that girl.

Rob and Sven seem to think that among the DU girls perfection runs rampant and that there is no help for poor, wifeless Chris. As a DU woman let me let you in on a couple secrets- some of us have jobs, don’t hook up with the athletes and have never worn Uggs.

Not all of us have rich daddies. Some of us worked our asses off to get here and we’re not going to let that slip away easily.

Some women at DU actually have jobs outside of school too (a claim I’m not sure a lot of men here could make) and we appreciate that opportunity to earn our own money so our parents don’t have to shoulder the entire financial burden that DU is. 

We have higher standards than your average ‘perfect’ sorority girl. We don’t all hook up with the athletes and we certainly don’t have a corner on the Ugg market.There is a big difference between a seemingly perfect, high-maintenance girl and the right girl.

I am one of many women here at DU who works hard for what she has and takes pride in that. Just because there are many ‘perfect’ girls here doesn’t mean you guys have to go for them.

So stop complaining about the girls and start looking for the women who are really marriage material.