DU – a private university dedicated to the public good. While these may be the words of Chancellor Robert Coombe, they are also the guiding principles that teach us the importance of giving back to the community and living with a spirit of service.
In an effort to contribute to the Haiti Relief efforts, the USG Senate voted to donate $1,000. While these efforts should be celebrated and while the Haitian people need our financial support, we ask that everyone remember the continued commitment that Haiti will need over the coming weeks, months and years. Our commitment to social justice is well placed in supporting Haiti but it is also an ongoing commitment that requires everyone’s dedication.
In the upcoming weeks there will be many great events on and off campus. Tomorrow, the first ever “Graduate Experience Day” will take place. This is a time for undergraduate students to ask questions in order to learn more about graduate opportunities at DU. The event will start at 11:30 a.m. in the main lobby of the Sturm College of Law. Registration opens at 11 a.m. We encourage all to attend.
On Thursday, the second annual Crimson and Gold Global Gala will be held at Mile High Station. Last year this event was a great success that celebrated the internationalization of DU. While the event honors students who studied abroad last year, it is a chance for all DU students to come together and celebrate the diverse experiences of our students.
The USG Senate is also continuing its Senate on the Road campaign in the coming weeks. Today, we will be meeting in the Driscoll Gallery at 6 p.m. Next Tuesday, Feb. 2, we will be meeting in the J-Mac classroom. We hope that by hosting our meetings across campus, we can encourage more students to attend and participate.
Go Pioneers!