Crunched for time this Halloween? Unable to concoct an elaborate costume idea? Whether out for a night of partying or an innocent jaunt around the block to trick-or-treat, these costume ideas are sure to get their fair share of chuckles without costing you valuable time or money:

“What the Cat Dragged In”

Find a stuffed cat and secure it to your hand, either with tape or a fabric bandage. Walk with your arm outstretched in front of you. Mess up your hair and draw a few scratches on your face with some costume makeup. Find clothes of little value and dirty them up a bit, perhaps ripping them in places. When you are entering a room, be sure the cat enters C/B,Brst.

“It’s Raining Cats and Dogs”

 Find a few smaller stuffed cats – ideally the size of Beanie Babies – and similar-sized toy dogs. Attach them with strong tape to an umbrella and walk around under the umbrella all night.

“Black Mail”

Wear black pants, a black shirt, black shoes, black socks-you name it. Stick a postage stamp-or multiple-on your chest. Perhaps write name and address on the shirt in white fabric marker.

“Deviled Egg”

Wear white pants, a white shirt, white shoes, white socks, etc. Paint or sew a yellow circle onto your shirt front. Wear horns on your head and carry a pitchfork. Add a tail for a little extra pizazz.

“White Trash”

Similarly to the “Deviled Egg,” wear white pants, a white shirt, white shoes, and so on, but instead of painting a yellow circle on your front, attach plastic cups and empty plastic water bottles – maybe even paper plates and plastic silverware – to your body.

“Catcher in the Rye”

Dress normally but wear a catcher’s glove. Buy a loaf of rye bread, preferably still in the plastic wrap – so you can still eat it fresh later – and carry it around in the mitt. The literary reference will really boost your intelligence, if only for a night.

“Tickled Pink”

Dress in pink and carry a feather duster around. Tickle yourself with it a few times for good measure and authenticity.

“Pot Head”

In Denver, the popularity of dispensaries has surely been made clear when passing nearly every street corner. To support this idea, C/B,Bnd a small, lightweight ceramic pot and attach a ribbon to either side of its open end. Place on top of head and secure the ribbon under chin. Voila! You are a Pot Head.