Ryan Murphy delivers high-class entertainment and innovation combining the horror genre and mainstream television in yet another fantastic episode of the future cult-hit “American Horror Story.”
Between drug-induced memory loss, tantalizing flashbacks of the house’s original owners, backstory on the devilish duo of Moira and Constance and the invasion of Ben’s mistress into his home life, the episode revolves around the broken and breaking relationships of the women of the house and indicates how they all may share an entwined fate.
The episode begins with a flashback to young Moira cleaning house when the drunken male owner comes home and, after being told their last tryst was a mistake, rapes her. His wife comes in and not only shoots Moira in her left eye, but shoots her husband three times in the chest before crumbling on the bed in tears holding his corpse. The big surprise? His wife is Constance.
Ambiguity regarding Moira’s ghost eye, her differing appearance to men and women, her link to the house, and Constance’s jab at her from the first episode in the series – “Don’t make me kill you again” – disappears, and the disconnected events suddenly make sense.
And that is how you deliver answers while maintaining audience interest. Please take note, television world.
As if that tasty morsel was not enough to grab the viewer from the first five minutes of the pre-opening credits, the story progresses into the modern day with Vivien blackmailing the real estate agent into re-selling the house. It is refreshing to see a non-stereotypical, yet candid and realistic, depiction of a strong female heroine.
This episode really solidifies to the viewer that while the Harmons may be more sensible and smart than the average horror movie characters, there is little chance they will be leaving without the house making them a part of its shocking, deadly history. With twisted plot developments and impressively strong acting, however, the emotionally battered family may live to survive the house as well as the murderous post-premiere television cancellations.
Welcome home, Harmon family – please never leave.