Courtesy of University of Denver


To the editor,

With the academic year coming to an end, we are filled with nostalgia reflecting on our accomplishments this year at DU. Rather than focusing on our own accomplishments, let’s look at what the Chancellor, Jeremy Haefner, accomplished this year. 

Jeremy announced his intention to ensure that DU be 100% solar-powered within the next three years and achieve carbon neutrality within the next six years; well ahead of schedule. 

Jeremy and the DU community celebrated the Hockey team’s tenth national championship. DU now holds the NCAA record for most Ice Hockey Championships, previously held by the University of Michigan

So far so good. 

Jeremy’s crew at the Budget and Planning Office increased tuition by 3.5%. Tuition is now higher at DU than at Harvard.

Jeremy and the Board of Trustees also informed our custodial staff that on June 30, they will be terminated and “rehired” by Sodexo. Though unconfirmed, it is speculated this would save DU a few bucks. But what’s the big deal if Sodexo will rehire all our custodial staff?

When asked whether Sodexo would rehire all of the staff, a University representative said “Absolutely yes, but we are not sure.” Our custodial staff’s benefits are currently being negotiated, suggesting Sodexo does not want to provide the same level of benefits they once enjoyed. Their retirement benefits, for example, are expected to decrease from 8% to 6%. 

How has Jeremy responded to a rise in anti-semitism and Islamophobia? 

Jeremy has repeatedly emphasized DU’s crucial zero-tolerance policy towards anti-semitism. What about Islamophobia, Jeremy? He has condemned antisemitism six times and condemned Islamophobia only twice. 

But I’m sure Jeremy is aware of the rhetoric hurled toward pro-Palestinians, right? Is Jeremy aware that counter-protestors threatened physical retaliation against pro-Palestinians and yelled how pro-Palestinians “support rapists” and “are not real Americans?” Is Jeremy aware of how Title IX reports made against counter-protestors have gone nowhere? 

Other than mentioning how “antisemitism and other forms of hate will not be tolerated” in his emails, what has Jeremy done to address Islamophobia and xenophobia on campus?


In his first statement regarding pro-Palestinian demonstrations, Jeremy mentioned how “acts of antisemitism are the highest they have been since the Anti-Defamation League began its tracking in 1979.”

Antisemitism must not be tolerated, and we must work as a community to discredit any antisemitic rhetoric. Let’s remember though, Jeremy, that the ADL is a Zionist organization, often misleading the public as to the differences between anti-Zionism and antisemitism. 

I thought that DU was going to remain neutral, but I guess Jeremy forgot.

When the DU community demanded the decision to fire our custodians be reversed, Jeremy was nowhere to be found. When the DU community demanded disclosure and divestment from a settler-colonial state, Jeremy just smiled and waved. 

Jeremy’s inaction is disappointing but not surprising. It was only last year when he did absolutely nothing while former DU Professor Nader Hashemi received death threats

What then, can we do, to ensure DU stands up to all forms of hate? 

Demand that Jeremy take action to ensure all forms of hate are not tolerated. Otherwise, demand that Jeremy, and by extension the Board of Trustees, resign. 

This University would be nothing without its students, faculty and staff. In light of this, the bylaws of the board must be revised to ensure we all have a voice as to who is making the important decisions for DU. Until then, what can we do?

Students, all DU cares about is money. We must amplify our voices and expose the true DU — a school not deserving of anyone’s support. 

That’s how you use an em dash, Jeremy. 

Faculty, continue to speak up for student rights at faculty meetings. If Jeremy continues to do nothing, the faculty must hold a vote of no confidence. 

Staff, do the bare minimum. Go on strike and demand the wages that you deserve. Without you all, this school would grind to a halt.  

The DU community must continue to support and demand protection for the rights of our custodial workers, stand in solidarity with Palestine and advocate for other communities who are fighting against genocide

Korbel students and faculty, sign and share this petition demanding a permanent ceasefire.

When all else fails, the entire DU community must hold a vote to demonstrate our indignation with the Chancellor, demanding his resignation and that of the board.

DU has great potential, but that potential can only be achieved through reforming the board and ensuring the Chancellor stands up for all of us. 

Do better or resign Jeremy.


Arthur Veloz Marin