Missing home | Courtesy of Thomas Angermann


To me, the worst part about being a college student is being away from family. I’m an international student, so I only get to see my family during holidays and longer breaks. When the days seem to be extra long and the assignments never-ending, I find myself wishing that I could just hug my mom—even for only a moment—and hear her say that “everything will be okay,” and that I “got this.” 

Unfortunately, most days I only get to call her on the phone to complain about missing her. As I navigate growing up, attending university and finding myself (that’s what college is for, right?), here are some of the things that have helped me alleviate the overwhelming sensation of missing home:

  1. Call your loved ones just to hear them talk. It’s surprising how much a person can talk about something they’re passionate about. My dad, for example, could spend hours talking about soccer. And even though I don’t really understand a single thing about it, my Sundays tend to include one-hour conversations about how my Dad’s favorite team is doing in the semifinals.
  2. Cook family recipes. I’m a true believer that food has the power to connect us. To some, that may look like a super-secret generations-old recipe; to others, it might just be adding some garlic powder to scrambled eggs. No matter what yours looks like, it will give you a taste of home.
  3. Develop a routine. When the stress of being a college student away from home becomes too much, the only thing that can save me is checking off things on my to-do list. Just taking one step at a time—like going to class or finishing a reading—can motivate you to keep going. After all, we only get 10 weeks per quarter.
  4. Get out of your comfort zone — literally. I know this might seem like the worst advice ever, but branching out will only bring you new experiences. Do yourself a favor and try going to a different spot on campus. It might become your new favorite place and make you almost forget about missing home.
  5. Admit that you’re homesick. Missing home is completely normal, and most college students are feeling the same as you. It’s not just about wanting a hug from a family member or someone to take care of you, it’s about being in an unknown place and around a bunch of strangers. Everyone is afraid of new things, it’s okay if you are too. You’ve still got this, even if you think you don’t.