Grab some popcorn and put those phones on silent. The DU Film Lovers Society (FLS) is officially here, and all movie-watchers are welcome. FLS is a new club on campus with a mission of “providing a space to watch movies and support community discussions as well as the analysis of films and other media.”
Sophomore Pippa Graham started the club as a way of building community, something they really needed back in high school. “I transferred high schools senior year and being a new student as a senior was really hard,” they said. “I ended up making most of my friends in the film club there, so when I got here I thought it would be nice to have a similar thing.”
Describing the club as “fun, chill and accepting,” Graham successfully created a club for film lovers to simply enjoy one another’s company while watching their favorite movies.
“My best memory so far was our very first meeting at the beginning of October. I thought that only my friends would show up. I think all of us officers were expecting maybe 10 or 15 people, but I think around 50 people ended up showing up. It was such a surprise, and I was so happy that other people wanted this club as much as I do,” Graham said.
The club only just started, but the turnout has not disappointed. A relaxed environment where people get to talk about their favorite movies free of judgment with snacks and occasional trivia has proven to be a movie lover’s dream.
When thinking about their favorite part of leading this club, Graham said, “I really enjoy connecting with new members and hearing about people’s favorite movies and their opinions on different movies. I’m a huge movie fan, and having this club basically means I get to talk to people about movies all the time.”
While FLS entrance is currently free, there is talk about bringing members together to support those in need. “For our philanthropy goals, we want to have a big fundraising screening with $5 tickets and give the proceeds to a local charity, which we are going to vote on as a club,” Graham explained.
FLS does not have recurring meeting times, but their next screening is on Oct. 20, which will be Halloween-themed. Costumes are highly encouraged and the evening’s lineup includes Jennifer’s Body, Scooby-Doo 2 and It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Movies are voted on during meetings, so keep up with FSL on Instagram or through Crimson Connect.
FLS has just begun, but the recent success goes to show that movie lovers are everywhere. Graham is always happy to welcome new members and talk about all things film. “You should join this club if you like movies and want to talk about them,” they encouraged.