Colectivo | Courtesy of Colectivo’s website


Research, advocacy and education are the three pillars of DU Colectivo, a student group on campus that aims to support the underserved communities of migrants and refugees. 

The University of Denver Immigrant & Refugee Rights Colectivo, known simply as Colectivo, seeks to connect DU community members who are passionate about serving the immigrant and refugee community with organizations across the Denver area. The group supports other DU initiatives that cater to the refugee and migrant community, including the DU Just Wages Project, which is connected with Dr. Rebecca Galemba’s Laboring for Justice book and exhibit at DUMA. 

We strive for a future where DU students, faculty, and staff work together with community organizations to make a difference in immigrant and refugee rights through advocacy, allyship, participation, and research,” Colectivo’s website shares. 

Rute Belachew, a second-year undergraduate student at DU majoring in International Studies with a Humanitarian Response focus, has been involved with Colectivo since her first year on campus. DU Colectivo works closely with the Korbel School of International Studies, the Anthropology department, the Center for Immigration Policy and Research, the Center on American Politics, the Institute for Comparative & Regional Studies and many more DU departments. 

“The mission of DU Immigrant and Refugee Rights Colectivo, or just Colectivo, is to bridge students, faculty and staff at the University of Denver who are passionate about immigrant and refugee rights to the broader Denver community through advocacy and research,” Belachew shared. “We aim to provide support, educational resources, research and volunteer capacity to individuals and groups working for immigrant and refugee rights and reform.” 

Belachew connects with the community by going to Mango House, a space that caters to refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants by providing them access to cultural touchstones and healthcare. Within the center, one can find cultural stores and restaurants where authenticity is guaranteed. 

“We are supporting grassroots, community organizations that are most often times nonprofit but are working tirelessly to support different populations throughout Denver,” said Belachew.

Colectivo has been successful in creating and maintaining strong relationships with organizations across Denver, and Belachew is excited to see what the future brings. 

“Last year’s Colectivo group did an amazing job in building connections with different non-profit organizations and because of that, DU students have reached out to them to support them in a number of ways,” said Belachew. That in turn built a good relationship with DU and several organizations.” 

If you are passionate about supporting the refugee and immigrant community, check out Colectivo’s Instagram and Facebook group to stay in the know about their current and upcoming projects. To learn more about Colectivo, you can check out their website.