Diamonds have been the go-to material for rings for people who have wanted to make a bold statement for centuries. Historically, the only available options for diamonds were natural diamonds. 

Today’s technology allows for the lab to grow diamonds by mimicking the conditions involved in forming naturally occurring demands, providing buyers with an alternative to natural diamonds. 

However, the difference in the quality of the two is a massive concern for most people, with many thinking that the lab-grown version will have a poorer quality than the natural one. The truth is the difference may only be the presence of traces of nitrogen that may not be visible to the naked eye. 

Presence of Traces of Nitrogen

Trace amounts of nitrogen can be found in lab-grown diamonds and are common with diamonds made through the High-Pressure High-Temperature (HPHT) method. During the growing process, a tiny amount of nitrogen and a carbon source, such as a tiny diamond seed, are added to the growth cell. 

The nitrogen atoms then become incorporated into the growing diamond crystal lattice, resulting in a diamond with a slight yellow or brown tint that is not visible to the naked eye.

It’s also worth noting that not all lab-grown diamonds are produced using the HPHT method, and different growth methods can result in varying levels of impurities or trace elements. For example, the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) method, another common method for producing lab-grown diamonds, typically results in fewer impurities and higher purity than the HPHT method.

Differences In Favor Of Lab-Grown Diamonds

The slight discoloration invisible to the human eye is the only significant chemical and physical difference between natural and lab-grown diamonds. But other differences make the lab-grown diamond ring the better alternative, which includes:

Sustainability in Production

The conditions for forming natural diamonds exist deep in the earth’s crust. While it is still possible to get diamonds at no-so-deep levels, it requires moving up to two tons of earth to get one carat of rough diamond stone in open pit mining. 

This means the toll on the environment can be pretty significant in terms of erosion and pollution. Lab-grown diamonds, on the other hand, don’t require interfering with the environment. They are grown in the lab using a small diamond fragment as the seed, making it an excellent choice for people that care about the environment. 

The Social Impact of Diamond Mining

Diamonds are historically linked to conflicts for the control of mines in many countries, with a large chunk of the proceeds going into buying arms. In some places, entire communities are forced to create a way for mining, leaving a trail of human suffering. 

While jewelers take precautions to ensure they only source ethically obtained diamonds, dirty diamonds still infiltrate the supply chain, which could mean wearing a diamond ring linked to untold human suffering. By opting for lab-engineered rings, you have an assurance that no person was harmed in their production, which helps you wear your ring with a clear conscience. 


Because of the processes involved in diamond making, natural diamonds can be quite expensive. Industry experts say lab-grown diamonds can be 50% cheaper than natural diamonds. 

Most people go for natural diamonds because they feel they are authentic. However, besides the natural diamond tag, almost everything else is identical, and an observer will not tell the difference. So if you want to enjoy the luxury of diamonds but at a slightly lower price tag, go for lab-grown diamonds.

Final Words

Diamonds will have the same chemical and physical properties, whether natural or lab-grown. As highlighted above, the most significant difference is the presence of trace nitrogen in lab-grown diamonds, but the difference is unnoticeable to the human eye. In fact, the pros of going for lab-grown diamonds outweigh the cons by a significant margin.